DO Terra Alta launches a campaign to promote Grenaches du Monde with the help of 200 professionals from the sector

The city of Reus has been chosen by the Denomination of Origin Terra Alta to launch a campaign to promote Grenaches du Monde, an international competition that honours Grenache wines from around the world.  Reus will officially host this competition between 11 and 15 April, 2018. To launch its campaign, almost 200 restaurant and catering professionals presented their fare at the tradeshow centre located at the Fira de Reus.  On this occasion, 28 wineries from the Denomination of Origin Terra Alta showcased over a hundred wine references.

LaFou Celler was one of the wineries that took part in this fair.

This fair also launched a mobile exposition which is one of the stars of the campaign to promote Grenaches du Monde. The title of the exhibition is:  “White Grenache. From matter to soul. “This exhibition follows a professional path that will take visitors on a journey of knowledge and awareness of the Grenache variety. The exhibition will appeal to all of the senses.

2018-12-11T16:33:44+00:00 17 October, 2017|