Grenaches du Monde launches a website and video to celebrate this exciting event to be held in Terra Alta

Grenaches du Monde is an international wine competition and it has chosen the Terra Alta region and, by extension, the entire Grenache-growing regions of Catalonia to host this competition in its 2018 edition.


The event will reach its climax between 11 and 15 April, but the build-up begins much earlier as the competition’s organizing committee has prepared a wide range of activities that will take place throughout Catalonia early in the year. These activities give wine-lovers the chance to get to know the Grenache grown in the Terra Alta region. The organisers have launched a new website for the competition so that everyone can stay informed on all of the activities in the run-up to the event. It also includes a link where you can register wines.


In order to promote the event in the region, the organisers have created a spectacular video under the title Grenaches Du Monde 2018 DO Terra Alta. This video will take you to the Terra Alta region, allow you to discover its cultural heritage, its people and its rich wine-growing tradition.

Link to website:

Link to video:

2018-12-11T16:33:43+00:00 21 November, 2017|