Gourmet Food and Wine Tasting in honour of the Harvest at LaFou Celler

LaFou Celler organises seasonal Gourmet Food and Wine tasting sessions and the last one was held in September during the heat of the harvest season. Guests were invited to tour the vineyards and to taste and savour LaFou Els Amelers and new unfiltered wines. Out in the vineyards, those who wanted to could also pick grapes. Back at the winery, visitors were taken on a tour of Casa Figueras and enjoyed a tasting of our wines. They could sample a classic dish called Clotxa Terraltina (a round loaf of bread filled with sardines, tomato, onion, garlic, and perhaps white or black sausage), which guests themselves prepared following the traditional method used to prepares this dish.

2019-11-13T12:37:46+00:00 17 September, 2019|