Gold Medal for LaFou De Batea 2018 at the international contest Grenaches du Monde

On the 11th edition of the contest, held on this occasion in New York and with the objective of awarding the best Grenache wines in the world – be it wines 100% Grenache or blending of wine-, the wine LaFou de Batea  has obtained one of the Gold Medals awarded by professional wine-tasters.

The jury, formed by around 80 professionals – all members from North America for the first time- has assessed over 800 wines from 4 different countries : France, Italy, Spain and the United States- and of all the typologies: quiet wines, sparkling wines, sweet wines, generous or liqueur wines, among others.

The contest, internationally renowned, started in 2013 in the Roussillon region, but moved fast to the main European areas of wine production, such as Aragón, Perpignan, Sardinia, Catalonia, Montpellier, Navarra…until it arrived to New York this year.

Made mainly from Black Grenache and hairy Grenache, and a small percentage of Samsó, from old grapevines old of between 50 and 70 years, LaFou De Batea 2018  seems complex, with bouquet of red and black fruit and balsamic sensations of aromatic herbs. Nuances of more concentrated fruit, like prunes and ripe tomatoes and a background of forest in autumn. On the palate, elegance, sweet-toothed entrance and notes of black fruit refreshed with mentholated notes. With a long and marked aftertaste, and a subtle but present acidity.

The gold medal in the Grenaches du Monde contest, for LaFou de Batea, joins the silver medal obtained by LaFou Els Amelers 2022, in the Catalan contest “Premis Vinari de Catalunya”.

2023-07-10T10:56:48+00:00 30 June, 2023|